Extraordinary Eucharistic Ministers
Extraordinary Eucharistic Ministers of Holy Communion help the priest in the distribution of Holy Communion at the Mass and to the sick and homebound. Guidelines
Lectors are the readers who proclaim the scriptures at Holy Mass and other services. Guidelines
Altar Servers
Boys and Girls are encouraged to volunteer for this important ministry. Contact the Rectory at (845) 331-0846.
Please find time to spend an hour with Jesus, who is present with us in the Eucharist.
Adorers are mostly needed for the following hours: Overnight hours & Saturdays and Sundays throughout the day. If you can commit to one hour, please see Fr. Mirek at (845) 331-0846 or Schedule your Hours.
Our Chapel is open. For your own comfort and protection, please bring your own cleaning items and protective equipment. Adorer MUST have a key fob to obtain access to the building and adoration will be limited to 3 adorers per hour. You can sign up through our website click or press here or using Adoration Pro.
or Contact Fr. Mirek at (845) 331-0846.