Mt Calvary Cemetery
Directions for Searching Names/Graves
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on cell phones.
You can now search for Names and Locations of Graves in Mt Calvary Cemetery.
Navigation: There are 4 basic operations:
+ Zoom in (Show more names) Roll Mouse wheel forward to Zoom in.
Important: You must be fully Zoomed in to see all names.
− Zoom out (Show fewer names) Roll Mouse wheel backward to Zoom out.
Search for names
Scroll (Move Map): Hold the left mouse button down to scroll (Move left-right or up-down).
To Search for a name, select the search icon A window will open. Type the name (last name, first). A list of names will drop down; select the name from the list. The location will be indicated by a circle on the map turning a dark color.
Zoom out to see the approximate location. Zoom fully in to see surrounding names.
Map names appear as Last Name, Initial. Hover over circles to see burial details.
If there is more than one burial in the grave, it will appear as Last Name (n) where n is the number of burials. Hover over the circle to see the additional names/details.
Concerns or questions -- Email the Rectory