Immaculate Conception Parish
Kingston NY
The Parish
We are the Immaculate Conception Parish in Kingston, New York. Our Baptismal vows commit us to know, love, and serve God. We are challenged by our present times to build a community of faith and love in the Holy Spirit. Our mission is to proclaim the Word of God and serve His people.
Our Church is accessible to those who are physically challenged.
New Parishioners
We invite all Parishioners to participate fully in our spiritual and community life. If you are new to the parish, please introduce yourself after Mass and register at the Parish Office. Kindly notify us if you change your address. Registration Form

Parish Clergy
Fr Miroslaw (Mirek) Pawlaczyk, Pastor
Fr. John W. Borzuchowski, Pastor Emeritus

Mount Calvary Cemetery
410 Flatbush Road (Rt-32)
Kingston, NY 12401
Contact the Church Rectory for information
Phone: 845 -331-0846; Fax: 845 -331-7647
Email: Immaculate.conception.kingston@gmail.com
Plots / Graves are available