Living Rosary
Living Rosary Background
The Living Rosary Association was Blessed Pauline Jaricot’s inspired plan to save the Church in France. The association began its devotion by distributing 15 decades of the Rosary to 15 persons in several parishes on 12/8/1826 and was formally approved by Pope Gregory XVI and accorded canonical status on 1/27/1832.
During the Nazi occupation of Poland, Jan Tyranowski formed prayer groups of 15 men in his parish representing the 15 Mysteries of the Rosary. One of the group’s leaders was Karol Wojtyla, the young St. John Paul II. St. John Paul II remained devoted to the Living Rosary Prayer group idea and brought it to his parishes when he became a priest. As Pope, he added four Luminous Mysteries to the Rosary.
On 12/8/1986, Richard and Patricia Melvin, in Texas, began a revival of Pauline Jaricot’s Living Rosary lay apostolate in an effort to honor our Blessed Mother and St. Philomena. It started with 30 people and grew to millions of participants throughout the whole world. See https://www.hail-mary-rosaries.com/Living-Rosary.html for more information.
How the Living Rosary is Said
There are variations to the way the Living Rosary is said. The intention for our Rosary is the Triumph of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary (and personal intentions). It consists of a commitment to say one decade of the Rosary every day. The mystery one uses to meditate remains the same for a month at a time. The next mystery is said the next month and continues month after month. One is given a grid/chart of the mysteries and months with the highlighted area which one follows. Each of the twenty mysteries are listed at the bottom of the grid. The grid/chart is actually
8 ½ x 11 and easy to follow.
If you would like to participate
If you would like to participate in our Living Rosary. We are asking new participants to contact the rectory to sign-up. You will be provided with your grid/chart to show you which mystery to use when you start to say your decade of the rosary. You can say the mystery any place and at any time of the day. Groups can pray together but each meditates on one’s own mystery. This devotion is being organized under the auspices of the Parish Rosary Society.
Quick Living Rosary Facts
1. Each participant commits to saying one decade of the Rosary every day.
2. A decade consists of one Our Father, ten Hail Marys, one Glory Be and the
Fatima prayer if desired.
3. Opening prayers (Apostles Creed, Our Father, Three Hail Marys and Glory Be) are only said
before the First Joyful Mystery.
4. Closing Prayer (Hail Holy Queen) is only said after the Last Glorious Mystery.
5. Intentions for the rosary are The Triumph of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the
Immaculate Heart of Mary and for personal intentions.
6. Each decade is prayed while meditating on a specific mystery of the rosary (as shown
on the participant’s grid/chart) for an entire month. The mystery changes each
month as shown on grid/chart.
7. The decade of the Rosary can be said anyplace and at any time.
8. The decade can be said with other participants as long as each meditates on his own mystery.
9. If a participant must discontinue saying the Living Rosary, he needs to tell Fr. Mirek so that
they can be replaced.
If you have any questions, please contact the rectory at 845-331-0846 or email: Immaculate.Conception.kingston@gmail.com