Immaculate Conception Church Established 1896
The first Polish people settled in Kingston around 1878. Initially, about 50 families of Polish descent were found in Kingston. They attended St. Peter’s Church in Kingston. A Polish-speaking priest was asked to come to hear their confessions for Easter. Rev. Francis Fremel was sent to St. Peter’s as he spoke both German and Polish. Taking care of the Polish people inspired him to start a separate parish for them. That was the beginning of the “new” Polish parish and it was placed under the patronage of Mary’s Immaculate Conception. Fr. Fremel was appointed as the first Pastor in 1893.
After returning from their jobs each evening, the men of the new parish would join the bricklayers and continue working, often until eleven o’clock at night. As a result of their arduous and self-sacrificing labor, the church was completed, and the cornerstone was laid and officially blessed on September 6, 1896. On Christmas Day of the same year, Rev. Francis Fabian, the second Pastor of the parish, celebrated the first Mass. On November 21, 1897, the Most Rev. Archbishop Michael Corrigan solemnly blessed the church. The church was completed in 1897.
The Immaculate Conception School was established in 1907 and staffed by the Felician Sisters of Enfield, Connecticut until its closure in 1979.
This is a list of pastors that have served our parish:
Rev. Francis Fremel (1893-1895)
Rev. Francis Fabian (1895-1909)
Rev. Theodore Jozwiak (1909-1914)
Rev. Francis Lesniewski (1914-1922)
Rev. Ignatius Bialdyga (1922-1928)
Rev. Francis Borowski (1928-1937)
Rev. Stanislaus Malinowski (1937-1945)
Rev. Joseph Sieczek (1945-1968)
Rev. Leo Adamski (1968-1974)
Rev. Joseph Kozlowski (1974-1991)
Rev. John Borzuchowski (1991-2016)
Rev. Miroslaw (Mirek) Pawlaczyk (2016-Present)